Our Role

These Principles Guide Our Capacity Building Support Services

  • Maximum Participation and Ownership
    Our capacity building support is based on the principles of your maximum participation in and ownership of change processes. We believe that when you develop the capacity to find your own solutions and adapt to change, your work will have a lasting impact.
  • Alignment with Your Needs and Priorities
    We believe that any capacity building initiative you plan to implement should be in alignment with your needs and priorities.
  • Use of Your Expertise
    We value and promote the use of your expertise – at whatever stage they are – and view them as assets to your capacity building initiatives.
  • No “one size fits all” Approach
    We believe that your contextual factors have clear implications on the kind of capacity building support we provide. As such, we do not use a capacity building blueprint in our work.
  • Mutual Accountability
    We believe in mutual accountability when it comes to the outcomes of capacity building initiatives we collaborate on.
  • Co-Production Approach
    We strive to adopt a co-production approach in our work with community residents and groups in order to recognize, engage and value them as ‘co-designers’ of community development initiatives and eventually as ‘co-producers’ of community value.